FUZI × Neru - 0verf1ow (feat. Luschka & Panaman)

【MV】FUZI × Neru - 0bsol3scence (feat. Mas Kimura & MEG) 【オブソレセンス】 ▶配信開始 https://youtu.be/i98FjEuAVug Original WEB Anime "The Missing 8" now streaming on my YouTube channel オリジナルWEBアニメ『ミッシングエイト』を配信中です。 ▼The Missing 8(ミッシングエイト)とは? MV『0verf1ow』、『0ptimi2er』から生まれたFUZIオリジナル作品『The Missing 8』をオリジナルアニメ化。 ・あらすじ 荒廃した世界── そこにはアンドロイドとロボットが暮らしている。 ニンゲンにユメみるアンドロイドの『ポピー』。 ニンゲンに興味がないアンドロイドの『パンクン』。 ある夜、空を見上げた彼らの前に星が一つ落ちてきて…… ▼アニメ ・第1話(Ep.1) ​https://youtu.be/Q1XVW0C2axc​ ・第2話(Ep.2) https://youtu.be/EDiBUPA2LCA ・第3話(Ep.3) https://youtu.be/0vyHDl6ZQX8 ・第4話はこちら(Ep.4) https://youtu.be/baXXYQRmPWE ・アニメプレイリスト https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQP7quc5eb3qCyz_-WwmAPFb1KFjPG1Fo ▼各話へはこちら Watch The Missing 8 anime from the link below #1 ​https://youtu.be/Q1XVW0C2axc​ #2 https://youtu.be/EDiBUPA2LCA FUZI original products are now available. We don't compromise on quality, design, or any other details. 〈Renewal Open〉FUZI OFFICIAL STORE:https://store.fuzi-co.com/ FUZIオリジナル公式グッズ販売中です。こだわりをたくさん詰めています。 〈リニューアルOPEN〉FUZI OFFICIAL STORE:https://store.fuzi-co.com/ Please check my twitter (http://twitter.com/FUZI1122) for more information. Story, character designs, animation by me. Movie by kaito and me. Music by Neru, Lucshka and Panaman. We will be creating more works together. Thank you so much for your support! Note:This video has JPN, ENG, CHN subtitles. Note:0verf1ow is pronounced overflow. はじめまして、FUZIです。チャンネル開設&MV初投稿になります。 Twitter: https://twitter.com/FUZI1122 作りました。 よければフォローお願いします。 ストーリー、キャラクター、アニメーションを作り、kaitoさんと映像を制作しました。 楽曲をNeruさん、Luschkaさん、Panamanさんに制作いただきました。 これからたくさんの作品をアップしていきたいと思いますので応援よろしくお願いします。 ※字幕onで日本語、英語、中国語翻訳あります。 ※0verf1owはoverflow(オーヴァーフロウ)と読みます。 Stream ストリーミング配信はこちらから https://linkco.re/A7Gu4VGm Vocal / Lyrics: Luschka, Panaman Music: Neru & z'5 Story / Illustration / Animation: FUZI Motion Design: kaito Instrumental オフボーカル版はこちらでDLできます https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s7ewndfacwghimd/AAApODFMsHucdLD921yKq8x7a?dl=0 FUZI YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/FUZI Official Store: https://store.fuzi-co.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fuzi1122/ Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/users/45796787 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FUZI1122/ Neru YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/NeruSleepOfficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/neru_sleep Luschka YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoJtDMGy2md_1i3-NsPAEiQ/feed Twitter: https://twitter.com/luschka_nico Panaman YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbwaUX46aLBeRkNwe8zzobw Twitter: https://twitter.com/pana_pana_man kaito Twitter: https://twitter.com/_mcdkit Lyrics 0verf1ow (feat. Luschka & Panaman) Go out of control Be wise and fool Be wise and fool Like the colors with their names aren't the only ones in frames We are bound in our own games Not knowing other ways I was bored to live inside the box, hard and closed And then I saw a piece of picture Something inside me crushed and a siren blared out like a thunder "Wake up!!" Uh…But I had to go get some bread You know, it was the ration time The echo on the wall decayed And was gone The sound escaped my memory. I'm sorry, but it was bright for me I won't recapture it I will never… All I know is what I've been told Do this or do that And so what? It's all been decided Losers can never be choosers Look for a loophole To unfold the story unknown Go out of control Be wise and fool All the choices that I've made All the things that I've craved These are what a coder's saved That's what my mother says An error has been detected Coz I'm defective Question arises Why am I here? What's the meaning of birth? I feel like a bag of shit The conclusion is lost So, I just wanna win back control of myself to find the answer Reboot the system Break the custom Put up resistance against The Master A bluster and a siren far in the distance Volcanic ash is gonna cover up your traces Oh my god, and lo and behold Do this or do that And so what? It's all been decided Losers can never be choosers Look for a loophole To unfold the story unknown Go out of control Be wise and fool Be wise and fool #Neru #FUZI #TheMissing8
kaito | 持田海斗
2D Compositer